I am interested in the development and implementation of randomized numerical linear algebra methods for high performance computing. Additionally, I am interested in the development and application of machine learning methods for science.
Previously, I was at University of California, Los Angeles where I received a PhD in applied mathematics.
My advisors were Professor Deanna Needell and Professor Andrea Bertozzi. I worked on problems in stochastic iterative optimization and matrix decompositions, dissertation.
Before that, I completed my undergraduate studies at the University of Maryland, College Park graduating with a dual degree in mathematics (with high honors) and computer science (with honors). My first and second scientific posters. My pronouns are he/him.
Contact Information
Email: yotamy is the username and lbl dot gov is the domain name
Alex Sietsema, Zerrin Vural, James Chapman, Yotam Yaniv, Deanna Needell, "Stratified Non-Negative Tensor Factorization." (In preperation).
Yotam Yaniv, Osman Asif Malik, Pieter Ghysels, Henry A. Boateng, Xiaoye S. Li, "Construction of hierarchically semi-separable matrix representation using adaptive Johnson-Lindenstrauss sketching." (Submitted)
Yotam Yaniv, Jacob D. Moorman, William Swartworth, Thomas Tu, Daji Landis, Deanna Needell, "Selectable set randomized Kaczmarz." Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications (2022): e2458.